Thursday, February 27, 2020

Class discussion you will identify wage and salary components of an Essay

Class discussion you will identify wage and salary components of an effective performance appraisal program - Essay Example parability Survey and stipulated that prior to conducting the wage and salary survey, â€Å"an analysis of the employee compensation system should be based on a thorough understanding of applicable regulations and exploration of the personnel policies and procedures, processes and expenditures supporting an agency’s compensation plan† (Center for Community Futures, n.d., p. 1). Then, the projected level of compensation should be explicitly determined and identified; in conjunction with the resources or funds of the organization. This would enable the decision-makers to gauge the capacities for making the necessary adjustments in pay scale, depending on the results of the wage and salary survey. It was emphasized that wage and salary surveys are tools which assist in maintaining â€Å"internal and external pay equity for employees† (Chapter 9: Managing Compensation, 2012, p. 34). As such, to conduct employer initiated wage and salary surveys, the following crucial steps and factors need to be considered: (1) the appropriate selection of key jobs to be surveyed; (2) a determination of the relevant labor market; (3) selecting organizations to compare current pay structure with; (4) deciding on the information that needs to be collected: wages, benefits, pay policies, and other pertinent data affecting wages and salaries; (5) effectively compiling and using the information that is collected; and finally, (6) determining the wage structure to be paid based on the payment goals that were originally set (Chapter 9: Managing Compensation, 2012, p. 36). For instance, there is the National Compensation Survey prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is an area-based survey and collects information based on geographic location; the number of establishments which are representative of each location; all occupations within the identified establishments that are included in the survey; and finally, the wage and benefits given in each occupation. As disclosed, the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Assignment chapter 13 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Chapter 13 - Assignment Example They came to the United States two years ago. In India, people react to strangers in different ways. Some Indians simply look at strangers, others smile, while others pretend to not care, but they surely notice foreigners around them (Bhatti). If someone is staring, the stranger can smile politely. Indians often return the smile (Bhatti). In terms of greeting, saying â€Å"Namaste† is the traditional greeting (â€Å"India Customs†). During this greeting, the person presses his/her hands together, with his/her fingers facing up and near the chin (â€Å"India Customs†). When addressing superiors or older people, a slight bow is added (â€Å"India Customs†). One must greet the most senior person or the eldest first always (â€Å"India Customs†). When entering a room, a nod and saying â€Å"Namaste† can suffice (â€Å"India Customs†). Males, especially strangers, do not touch women in public, including shaking their hands (â€Å"India Customs†). For communication practices, excessive gestures and verbal expression are considered impolite, especially when coming from strangers (Dasgupta). It is also acceptable to be late by 15 to 30 minutes because American punctuality is not widely practiced in many areas, unless for businesses who have embraced American customs (Dasgupta). In addition, when invited to an Indian family house for lunch or dinner, the invited person must bring a gift, such as a box of chocolates or flowers (Dasgupta). However, since different flowers have different meanings, it is important to ask the florist about appropriate flowers to be brought to families (Dasgupta). Furthermore, the gesture for â€Å"yes† is a slight nod of the head, while â€Å"no† is a turning from side to side. Some foreigners do not easily see the difference between the gestures for â€Å"yes† and â€Å"no,† probably because Indians do not like saying â€Å"no† out of respect (Dasgupta). Greeting a person depends on his/her social status, wherein age, university