Sunday, December 29, 2019

Jack Kerouac’s On The Road - The Impact of Dean on Sals...

Impact of Dean on Sals Identity in On the Road In part I, chapter 3 of Jack Kerouacs On the Road, Sal arrives at Des Moines and checks into a cheap, dirty motel room. He sleeps all day and awakens in time to witness the setting sun. As he looks around the unfamiliar room, Sal realizes that he doesnt understand his own identity. Identity lost, he states I was half way across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future. He has lost the calming influence of his aunt, and Dean and partners are not around to feed his wild streak. The only clues to his identity are to be found in the strange motel room. This appeal to emotion gives the reader personal hints to identify with. Many†¦show more content†¦Without exception, it changes every time he encounters new circumstances and surroundings. On the way to visit Old Bull Lee in New Orleans during part II, chapter 6, Sal is driving while Dean and Mary Lou are asleep. He is alone with time to think to himself, and he does not know what he is doing or where he is going. The style of the passage intrigues the reader; All alone in the night I had my own thoughts and held the car to the white line in the holy road. Dean is no longer mentally present to lead him and feed his identity. Sal has no one to show him the way and he is forced to cling to his physical surroundings for comfort. His entire existence centers around following the straight line in the road. In chapter 7, after the stay with Old Bull, Dean is ready to leave and hit the road again. Sal is compelled to go with him although he would really like to stay with Bull awhile. Again, Kerouac uses emotion to move the reader, because most people h ave been torn between following one of two friends at some point. In chapter 8 of part two, Dean steals gas and oil as Sal runs into the station and takes bread and cheese while the owners are in back eating dinner. Sal seems to be adapting his personality to that of Deans. Earlier in the novel, when Montana Slim asks him to steal from strangers in alley ways, Sal doesnt seem to want anything to do with it. This schizophrenic behavior appears throughout the book, prohibiting one from understanding who Sal isShow MoreRelated Impact of Dean on Sals Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road901 Words   |  4 PagesThe Impact of Dean on Sals Identity  in  On the Road On The Road begins with the protagonist, Sal, (representative of author Jack Kerouac), being overwhelmed by feelings of confusion and uncertainty regarding his personal identity. He then meets ‘Dean Moriarty’, an eccentric character who rejects societal values and ‘norms’. Sal is absorbed with and entranced by Dean, perceiving him as almost ‘superhuman’, and decides to follow him across the country. A passive character, Sal soon becomes dependentRead MoreEssay on Jack Kerouacs On the Road and Allen Ginsbergs Howl3843 Words   |  16 PagesJack Kerouacs On the Road and Allen Ginsbergs Howl Works Cited It was a 1951 TIME cover story, which dubbed the Beats a ‘Silent Generation, ’ that led to Allen Ginsberg’s retort in his poem ‘America,’ in which he vocalises a frustration at this loss of self- importance. The fifties Beat Generation, notably through Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Allen Ginsberg’s Howl#61482; as will here be discussed, fought to revitalise individuality and revolutionise their censored society which seemed toRead MoreThe Idea Of Conformity Vs. Non Conformity Emerges1601 Words   |  7 Pagesself-discovery, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, written in April 1951 illustrates the journey of him and his friend’s across America in the post war beat generation, as they counteracted the societal norms of that time in order to discover his own true individuality. Similarly, individuality emerges strongly in the essay Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson written in 1841 to portray the necessity of relying on oneself for kno wledge and guidance in order to re- discover a true identity. Contrasting, the

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Book Review On The Novel Once By Morris Gleitzman Book Report/Review

Essays on Book Review On The Novel Once By Morris Gleitzman Book Report/Review Book Review on the novel "Once" by Morris Gleitzman I have finished reading the novel, Once, which is a story about Felix, a Jewish boy in Nazi-occupied Poland during the Second World War. I think that this book is very interesting considering that it is a grim story of the events of the Holocaust, which Gleitzman has artfully turned into one that is full of innocence. Some of the best-written parts of the book are how Felix innocently interprets the events that are taking place around him both before and after he runs away from the Catholic orphanage where his parents had placed him for his own protection. When he gets a whole carrot in his soup, he sees it as an omen that his parents are on their way to get him. When he witnesses the Nazi burning books, he believes them to be librarians from another country who have come to clean out the old books from the library of the orphanage. The innocence that Felix once had is slowly stripped away as the novel progresses as he sees the horr ors, which even his innocent interpretations, cannot explain. My favorite character in this novel as stated above is Felix because one is able to relate to his development throughout the novel from when his innocence is taken away to when he realizes life realities of life. I think that this book would be much better if it were a bit grimmer just to show the realities of what exactly happened during the Jewish Holocaust. Despite this minor detail, I still found the novel to be a good read and I would recommend it to anyone who would like to know more about what happened in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Food Security in the Modern World changing market policies to address hunger Free Essays

The right to food is protected under international human rights and humanitarian law. It is recognized in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). As defined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Committee on ESCR) in its General Comment 12 â€Å"†¦ the right to adequate food is realized when every man, woman and child, alone and in community with others, has physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement† (General Comment 12, 1999, paragraph 6). We will write a custom essay sample on Food Security in the Modern World: changing market policies to address hunger or any similar topic only for you Order Now Israel produces 95% of its own food requirements, and has many advanced means of agriculture, which results in low poverty rates in the state. Diverse agricultural techniques are used for food production, and in irrigation alone there are four different methods. Farmers use technology to help them with livestock creating top quality produce, and small communities called Kibbutz help the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and raised amount in exports. There are multiple research facilities that help with agriculture techniques, such as the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), whose job is to help the development of the Israeli agriculture by an efficient use of the limited water resources, development of crops for export markets, ensuring a decent income for the farming community, developing and adapting crops and technologies for newly settled regions without polluting the environment. Israel has also been sharing its agricultural expertise with many of countries since the late 1950s. MASHAV, the Center for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is active in Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Europe and Latin America as well as several Middle Eastern countries. Agricultural projects and research collaboration constitute about half of Israel’s international cooperation programs. Emphasis is placed on training courses in agricultural subjects, with some 1,400 participants from over 80 countries attending specialized courses in Israel every year, and thousands of trainees receiving on-the-spot training in their own countries. Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial Policies Since 1958, thousands of Israeli agricultural experts have been sent abroad on long- and short-term assignments in countries such as Kenya, South Africa, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukrain and Haiti. Hunger world-wide has had a high of 925 million in 2010 and had dropped by 10%. But with the recent rising food prices, the number of malnourished is growing once again pushing 68 million people under the World Bank’s extreme poverty line. This is defined as someone living on $1. 25 (U. S. ) a day. The World Bank’s quarterly report showed that the food price index has increased by 29% in the past year and is close to the peak reached in 2008, when soaring food prices sparked protests in dozens of countries. We are seeing this happen once again is countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and others. The result in the raised food prices is 44 million people living in dire poverty. This is about a 3% increase in the total number of people living in extreme poverty, which the World Bank calculates at about 1. billion. Israel can help countries who are having trouble with the food inflation. A strategy such as developing local markets and local communities so that people can grow their own food is one which Israel can help with. Some countries may even want to use the Israeli Kibbutz as a model if they so wish. With Israel’s abundant technology, we can offer help in that department, and can help with many different topographical locations as Israel has many itself. How to cite Food Security in the Modern World: changing market policies to address hunger, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Courage in to Kill a Mockingbird free essay sample

One likes to think of a hero, as strong, brave, and meeting all challenges head on. All the characters in this book have a different view as to what courage is, and they all show it in different ways through their everyday lives. Younger characters, like Jem and Scout, see the physical aspect of it, whereas Atticus believes this to be an extremely weak form of courage. He believes in the mental quality of courage. The ability to be in minority and not back down and to be able to change; he admires Mrs. Dubose for her acts of courage that are against all odds. For a younger character, like Scout, courage is often associated with a physical act that is usually dangerous. It is hard for young children to realize that courage can be shown in other aspects of life. Scout sees an example of courage in her father when he shoots the mad dog Tim Johnson (pg. 101). Although Atticus does not think of it as very courageous, Jem and Scout are proud of their father and the courage he showed in this dangerous situation. Atticus views courage on a more intellectual level, as a moral thing not something that can be proved with a weapon. Later on in the story, Jem and Scout encounter the vindictive, spiteful Mrs. Dubose who often shouts out racism directed at the passing children because of Atticus’ job. At one point she proclaimed, Your fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works for! (pg. 111). When she blatantly made Atticus an object of ridicule like that, Jem decided that the best way to settle things was to ruin Mrs. Duboses camellias. Since he could not attack Mrs. Dubose directly, Jem decided to go for something close to her. He is committing a physical act of retaliation, which led to her suffering mental pain yet again. It was a cowardly act, for he dared not step up and confront her. After Atticus heard about this stunt, Jem was made to read to her every afternoon for a month. He now needed mental valour, and he did find it more difficult to source this than the physical bravery he was used to displaying. This is made apparent by him refusing to walk past her house alone, and because Jem was at first terrified of going to see her. Mrs. Dubose was a very sick woman, and had used morphine to ease her pain but was now addicted. It was her goal to leave the world beholden to nothing and nobody (pg. 120). She displayed what Atticus refers to as real courage. (pg. 121). She showed real courage because she does not have the luxury of standing there with a gun pointed at her addiction. One single attempt could not free her from the addiction. Rather, it had to be a many staged process over an extended period of time. It was shear determination and real courage that allowed her to accomplish her goal. It was not until after she died that Atticus explained to Jem and Scout how courageous the woman was because she knew she was dying but was still determined to die free of the morphine. She fought against great odds, even though she knew that she would surely die. Atticus tells his children that he wanted them to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. He also says that she was the bravest person he ever knew. (pg. 121) Real courage is when you fight for what is right regardless of whether you win or lose. Atticus Finch demonstrates real courage several times throughout the novel, in addition to the lessons that he teaches his children. The largest and most important example would be the trial of Tom Robinson. When Atticus took the case, he went up against Maycomb, a generally prejudiced town, in order to defend Tom. He understood that taking the case would make him an object of ridicule and that no one would forgive him for believing a black mans word over a white mans. Even his own sister expresses disapproval at his decision, practically telling him he was bringing disgrace to the family. Nevertheless, no matter how much his reputation suffered, he did not change his mind. Standing up for his morals and ethics was more important than what people thought about him. From the very start Atticus knows he will not win the case however he does his job and finishes what he set out to do. Atticuss strong sense of morality and justice motivates him to defend Tom Robinson with determination, giving it all he has. He shows this when he says, Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try and win. (pg. 82). He says this to Scout after she comes home from school angry at Cecil Jacobs for making fun of Atticus in the schoolyard. Atticus tells her to fight with her head instead of her fists. He wants the people of Maycomb to hear the truth about Tom, That boy may go to the chair, but hes not going till the truths told. (pg. 159). Atticus is putting everything a man holds dear, dignity, respect, honor and status, on the line to protect Tom. He later shows more bravery when he goes to the jailhouse to protect Tom from a mob. Without thinking twice, he rushed to Toms aid. He went willingly, knowing that if a mob did form he would be greatly outnumbered and would easily be beaten. Still, he put Toms well being ahead of his own welfare. While serving justice, Atticus also showed great courage. For example, he did not go along with Heck Tate when he told a lie about what really happened the night Bob Ewell was found stabbed to death. Atticus put his life and career on the line because he knew that, as an officer of the court, withholding information from an investigation could have gotten Mr. Tate thrown into jail. Nonetheless, like many times before, doing what was right and fair prevailed in Atticuss way of thinking. In addition, Atticus went against his moral code and principles he had always upheld before, when Atticus is faced with the decision of abiding by the law or breaking it in order to do the right thing. He knew that incarcerating a man like Arthur Radley would have been unforgivable, especially after Arthur had just performed a great deed by saving his childrens lives. He knew that exposing him would be an awful way of repaying him; it would have been like shooting a mockingbird. Therefore, Atticus chose to protect Boo from the public eye rather than abide by the law and his honest judicial ways he was so accustomed to follow. Sometimes it takes even more courage to set a new level of morals than to stay in one’s comfort zone. (pg. 297-302). The courage to change habits and thoughts is very important, because not everyone is able to do it. A very good example of this courage is when Atticus asked Scout not to fight anymore. When I committed myself to this act of cowardice. Word got around that Scout Finch wouldn’t fight anymore, her daddy wouldn’t let her. (pg. 97). That was a great act of courage because Scout used to fight a lot but as she had promised her father she would not fight anymore. Scout, like Jem does not want to disappoint Atticus, so she makes a change. In conclusion, Atticus shows praiseworthy courage and behaviour in many instances throughout the story, not by fighting or killing, but by standing up for what he believed in a civilized and determined way. His strongest motivation, however, were his children. He wants to be a good example for his kids and encourage in them a strong sense of moral value. One time Scout asks him why he had taken a case he knew he was not going to win and he responded by saying, For a number of reasons. The main one is, if I didnt I couldnt hold up my head in town, I couldnt represent this county in the legislature, I couldnt even tell you or Jem not to do something again. (pg. 82). In other words, he would not have been able to talk to his kids about justice and standing up for what one believes when he himself had not stood for what he believed in. The lessons taught by Atticus and Mrs. Dubose show Jem and Scout what it is to be courageous, to be able to change, to tell the truth and most importantly to stand up for their own beliefs. All qoutes from Lee, Harper, 1960, To kill a Mokingbird, London, Pan Books