Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business law class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business law class - Essay Example On the other hand, if the patient’s condition was not critical, the doctor could have considered the postponement of the surgery for a while. So before declaring the doctor as a culprit we need to know the exact condition of the patient before the surgery. On the other hand the ECR manufacturer certainly deserves punishment. There is no doubt about the crime committed by the ECR manufacturer. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility that to ensure the quality of their product before introducing it to the market. If the users of a product suffer injuries or damages due to a product, they have every right to sue against the product manufacturer. In my opinion, the nursing staff, and the anaesthesiologist have nothing to do with this problem. Nursing staffs normally work as per the instructions of the doctor. If the doctor asks them to do something they should obey it. For example if the doctor asks the nurses to inject certain medicine to a patient, they should do it. Same way, if the doctor asks them to use an instrument they should use it and the doctor is the responsible person if any problem occurs. Anaesthesiologist is also not responsible for the above problem. The duty of the Anaesthesiologist is related to the anaesthesia given to the patient. If the patient develops any problems due to overdose or under dose of anaesthesia, Anaesthesiologist needs to take responsibility for that. But in this case, no such incidents were reported and the anaesthesiologist cannot be sued by the patient. On the other hand the patient can consider suing against the hospital authorities or management also. Hospital management is responsible for the damages caused to a patient by the defective equipments. It is the duty of the hospital management to purchase better quality products and to keep all of them in proper shape. In

Monday, October 28, 2019

Compare the Love Language Used in Quickdraw Essay Example for Free

Compare the Love Language Used in Quickdraw Essay Quickdraw is a poem about the end and break down of a relationship. Specifically an argument between the speaker and their other half and the feelings felt by the speaker in the poem. It has many similarities and differences with In Paris with You a poem about a very negative relationship with the speaker who is desperately in love with someone who is just using them. The poem uses a play on words and anytime the words Paris and love are mentioned you have to switch them, so Paris means love and love means Paris. These poems have similarities and difference and these can be explored through language techniques and key themes. Both Quickdraw and In Paris with You explore negative sides to a relationship. In Quickdraw the negative side is the pain of the break up at the ending of the relationship â€Å"hear me groan You’ve wounded me† this shows the pain the speaker is going through during the breakdown and end of their relationship. In In Paris with you they explore a different side of a negative relationship, the love the speaker feels for someone and the way they are being used by that person â€Å"Yes I’m angry at the way I’ve been bamboozled I’m in Paris with you† this shows that although the speaker is angry at being used, she is still in love with them (I’m in Paris = I’m in love ). In In Paris with You the speaker expresses their love for the other person â€Å"I’m in Paris with You† (meaning â€Å"I’m in love with You) is repeated throughout the poem. But they also have differences such as, some other aspects of their structure, some of the themes of the poems. In Paris with You and Quickdraw both explore negative relationships, a relationship between a person absolutely besotted over someone who is using them and doesn’t feel anything back for them or the argumentative end to a relationship where both of them are hurling insults at the other and breaking u their relationship.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Beowulf and Grendel: The Hall Heorot Is Attacked By Grendel :: Beowulf Epic Poem Poems Essays

Beowulf and Grendel: The Hall Heorot Is Attacked By Grendel Beowulf is one of the greatest surviving epic poems. It was composed by Germanic people more than twelve hundred years ago. Although it is written in Old English, it deals with the Scandinavian forebears of the Anglo-Saxons, the Danes and the Geats. This epic poem concerns itself with Christianity, internal and external evils, and the warriors defeating monsters. The first passage of this story basically describes the building of Heorot. Hrothgar, decides to build a Valhalla-type of sanctuary for his warriors that he names "Heorot", or the Hall of the Hart (deer hall). This is in the first main passage of the story of Beowulf and this is the first place we find the theme of internal versus external evil. The passage implies that internal evil will ultimately destroy the hall, rather than being attacked by monsters: "The hall stood tall, high and wide-gabled: it would wait fierce flames of vengeful fire: the time was not yet at hand for sword-hate between son-in-law and father-in-law to awaken after murderous rage. "(Norton 28) This foreshadows the internal evil that will destroy the Danes. Another theme in this story is the theme of men versus monsters. This theme comes to light when Grendel is described: "The creature of evil, grim and fierce, was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seized from their rest thirty thanes".(Norton 28) Heorot is a drinking hall, where warriors gather for parties and to get drunk. Heorot is a creation of civilization made by Hrothgar, for men to gather as a meeting place and a place to sleep. Hrothgar builds the biggest hall ever made. Grendel then attacks the hall for twelve winters straight, destroying more and more men every night with no remorse, and the men are afraid to sleep in the hall, thinking that maybe Grendel will eat them. Grendel is a ruthless caniball: "I think that if he may accomplish it, unafraid he will feed on the folk of the Geats in the war-hall as he has often done on the flower of men."(Norton 32-33) Grendel is a savage, and he ruthlessly eats his victims. The Hall Heorot is a drinking hall, and most of the warriors stand no chance against Grendel. They are drunk and are not able to attack Grendel.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Red Badge Of Courage Essay :: essays research papers

The Red Badge of Courage is not a war novel. It is a novel about life. This novel illustrates the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Stephen Crane uses the war as a comparison to everyday life. He is semi-saying that life is like a war. It is a struggle of warriors—the every day people—against the odds. In these battles of everyday life, people can change. In The Red Badge of Courage, the main character, Henry Fleming, undergoes a character change that shows how people must overcome their fears and the invisible barriers that hold them back from being the best people—warriors, in the sense that life is war—they can be. Henry has a character change that represents how all humans have general sense of fear of the unknown that must be overcome.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first part of the novel, Henry is a youth that is very inexperienced. His motives were impure. He was a very selfish and self-serving character. He enters the war not for the basis of serving his country, but for the attainment of glory and prestige. Henry wants to be a hero. This represents the natural human characteristic of selfishness. Humans have a want and a need to satisfy themselves. This was Henry's main motive throughout the first part of the novel. On more than one occasion Henry is resolved to that natural selfishness of human beings. After Henry realizes that the attainment of glory and heroism has a price on it. That price is by wounds or worse yet, death. Henry then becomes self-serving in the fact that he wants to survive for himself, not the Union army. There is many a time when Henry wants to justify his natural fear of death. He is at a point where he is questioning deserting the battle; in order to justify this, he asks Jim, the tall sol dier, if he would run. Jim declared that he'd thought about it. Surely, thought Henry, if his companion ran, it would be alright if he himself ran. During the battle, when Henry actually did take flight, he justified this selfish deed—selfish in the fact that it did not help his regiment hold the Rebs—by natural instinct. He proclaimed to himself that if a squirrel took flight when a rock was thrown at it, it was alright that he ran when his life was on the line.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Managing Motivation at Technocraft

Managing Motivation at Technocraft Lea Darrigade Ines Gyselinck Mary Sagala Benjamin Seban Intercultural Management BS 1 Christophoros Lambridis I. Introduction This report talks about the working motivational problem shown by the workers in a small factory named Technocraft, located in the South East of England. It had slowed down the company’s function in producing high-quality sound recording equipment. The problem has risen to high labor turnover and difficulties in recruiting new employees. It led George Orwell Newell, the company chairman, to hire a consultant named Helen McKiernan to figure out the sources of the problems.In order to help figuring out the problem, George Orwell told Helen about his hypothesis of the lack of motivation in workers is because company’s location which is in the below-average national unemployment are, therefore most of the women workers, who work on the wiring, had no real reason to work since they already have husbands who can earn adequate wages to fulfill living necessities. However, Helen did not want to conclude the problem there. When Helen had done her research, she found out that the workers actually enjoyed their work, but hate to work for the company.In other words, the problem that halted the working motivation in workers is the management itself. II. Forms of inefficient management that leads to the lack of working motivation. a) Uncomforting regulation on working performance In a company, it is important to keep the relationship among the workers, including the manager and chairman, to be good so that they can have comfort in doing their jobs. However this failed to happen in Technocraft. This problem occurred since George elected Robert as the wiring Department supervisor.In order to boost the company’s production, Robert ended all informal working practices and excessive talking among the women workers on the shopfloor. Since then, all the wiring workers have resented his presence. This ma de the workers to be depressed working for the company. Moreover there was lack of honesty in Robert, when he did mistake in recognizing two women workers, who were late to work, with Elena and Veronica, who were hardworking workers in the company. Even though, he knew his mistake afterwards, his ego was too high to accept his mistake and apologize to Elena and Veronica.This caused the intense relation between workers and their advisors, which then lead to the slow growth of working production in the company. b) Productivity rise vs. Worker’s rewards From this report, we can see how productivity and motivation show their positive relation. Therefore company would do anything to increase the worker’s motivation. For example, in Technocraft, to increase their productivity, George initiated a program called â€Å"employee morale-boosting† to intensify worker’s motivation to do their jobs.To achieve a long-term progress in their work, there should be fairness and sincerity in all the effort that the manager do to boost the motivation in workers. For example, when George told the workers that they would obtain rewards if they work hard until they can achieve the production target of the year, however when the target was achieved, all the worker got was just tee-shirt. This shows no fairness to the workers. It showed no equality between the reward and the hard works that had been done. George doesn’t want to increase the production cost by giving them more bonus or other reward that are more equal to the workers’ hard works.III. What Helen & George should do a) Build good relationship among the low-skilled workers, their advisors and chairman In order to start a better future working expectation, George should apologize for the inconvenience and unfairness that happened to the workers. Therefore, workers can be more convinced for a better working condition that would happen in the future. This should be the initial step to b e done by George. On the other hand, Helen can help to convince the workers, by telling them that her research would help convey their burdens to the managers so they can be solved immediately. ) Enact a better management system 1) Be more understanding with employees behavior In order to improve the motivation in working, regulation established within the company should emphasize the comfort of workers. For example, there is no need to stop the out-of-work conversations among the workers while they are working because it would make the workers less comfortable in doing their works. It becomes more unnecessary if the works are easy to do. In addition, advisors need to listen more to the workers’ excuse for doing their mistakes.This is the only way to separate forgivable mistakes from the unforgivable ones. It becomes a forgivable mistake, if it cannot be avoided or there is logical reason behind it. This would help build a better relation between the workers and their advisor s, which create comfort to workers to do their jobs. 2) Pay the employees who work over time Last but not least, the company should pay an appropriate bonus wage the overtime workers. This has a big contribution to grow their motivation since there is an equivalent reward to achieve with the right amount of hard works to do.This policy would bring profit not only to the workers, but also to the company because it can obtain more productivity from the workers. Some people may think that this would increase the short-term cost of production. However the long-term profit would outweigh the short-term cost. Moreover the higher cost of production can be covered by higher price of the products. These higher price would then lead more profit, since the products would be produced more cause by the increase in worker’s motivation. Therefore, this idea would bring benefit to the company in the long term. IV.Effects of the solutions a) Do nothing By doing nothing, the problem remains an d the company may lose profits and portrays a weak image of him to his co-workers. But by doing nothing can give positives ways such as cheap in the short- term and avoiding the risks of making bigger mistakes b) There would be no more labor turnover & difficulties in recruiting new employees. After all, these solutions would bring more comfort to the working condition in the company. There is would less reason for worker willing resign. Moreover, it could lead to a competition for people to work there.Hence, managers or chairman need to keep a management that benefits both the workers and the company. c) Find a new management system The good management would automatically lead to better relation among workers, which then brings a better working atmosphere to work better. If this could happen, the productivity of the company would increase. On the other side, we don’t know if the new manager will be better than the other one: nicer, understanding and skilled. If we take this risk, it will take a lot of time and costs and at the end we are sure of nothing. If the manager d).Pay the employees working overtime. It could drive the employees and would out perform themselves, and also bring a long term financial investment for the company but could get more costs in short-term too. V. Theory and Conclusion We can see that the way George ‘s running his company would correspond to the Mc Clelland’s 3 needs theory. He wants to exercise influence and control others (Npower). He is looking for success and he fears of failure (Nachievement). Nonetheless he does not take care of his employees; he does not pay attention to his social group.In conclusion George does not follow the right way, he should follow the Frederick Herzberg ‘s theory, which means motivate his employees to do well job , respects hygiene in order to obtain job satisfaction from the employees. So finally the best solution for George and his company would be to pay more attention to the employees, make them feel good in the company, show that George is involved in the production process and moreover give to people the money they deserve. So it is a combination of the solution two and three.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Maya Bloodletting Rituals - To Speak to the Gods

Maya Bloodletting Rituals - To Speak to the Gods Bloodletting- cutting part of the body to release blood- is an ancient ritual used by many Mesoamerican societies. For the ancient Maya, bloodletting rituals (called chahb in surviving hieroglyphs) were a way that Maya nobles communicated with their gods and royal ancestors. The word chahb means penance in the Mayan Cholan language, and may be related to the Yukatekan word chab, meaning dripper/dropper. The blood-letting practice usually involved only the highest nobles who would perforate their own body parts, mainly, but not only, their tongues, lips, and genitals. Both men and women practiced these types of sacrifices. Ritual bloodletting, along with fasting, tobacco smoking, and ritual enemas, was pursued by the royal Maya in order to provoke a trance-like state (or altered state of consciousness) and thereby achieve supernatural visions and communicate with dynastic ancestors or underworld gods. The trances were to petition their ancestors and the gods for rain, good harvests, and success in warfare, among other needs and desires. Bloodletting Occasions and Locations Bloodletting rituals were usually performed on significant dates and at scheduled state events through the Maya ritual calendar, especially at the beginning or end of a calendar cycle; when a king ascended to the throne; and at building dedications. Other important life stages of kings and queens such as births, deaths, marriages, and the beginnings and ends of war were also accompanied by bloodletting. Bloodletting rituals were usually carried out in private, within secluded temple rooms on the top of pyramids, but public ceremonies celebrating the bloodletting rituals were organized during these events and masses of people attended them, crowding into the plaza at the base of the main pyramid of the Maya towns. These public displays were used by the rulers to demonstrate their ability to communicate with the gods in order to obtain advice on how to balance the world of the living and to ensure the natural cycles of the seasons and stars. A statistical study by U.S. archaeologist Jessica Munson and colleagues (2014) found that most references to bloodletting on Maya monuments and in other contexts are from a handful of sites along the Usumacinta River in Guatemala and in the southeastern Maya lowlands. Most of the known chahb glyphs are from inscriptions that refer to antagonistic statements about warfare and conflict. Bloodletting Tools Stone Seat with Polychrome Reliefs Depicting Self-Sacrifice (Zacatapalloli), House of Eagles, Templo Mayor, Mexico City, ca. 1500. De Agostini / G. Dagli Orti / Getty Images Piercing body parts during bloodletting rituals involved the use of sharp objects such as obsidian blades, stingray spines, carved bones, perforators, and knotted ropes. Equipment also included bark paper to collect some of the blood, and copal incense to burn the stained paper and provoke smoke and pungent odors. Blood was also collected in receptacles made out of ceramic pottery or basketry. Cloth bundles are illustrated on some of the murals, thought to have been used to carry around all the equipment. Stingray spines were definitely a primary tool used in Maya bloodletting, despite, or perhaps because of, their dangers. Uncleaned stingray spines contain venom and their use to pierce body parts would have caused a great deal of pain, and perhaps include deleterious effects ranging from secondary infection to necrosis and death. The Maya, who regularly fished for stingrays, would have known all about the dangers of stingray venom. Canadian archaeologist Haines and colleagues (2008) suggest that it is likely that the Maya either used stingray spines that had been carefully cleaned and dried; or reserved them for special acts of piety or in rituals where references to the necessity of risking death was an important factor. Bloodletting Imagery Late Classic Limestone Lintel at Maya Yaxchilan. Arild Finne Nybà ¸ Evidence for bloodletting rituals comes primarily from scenes depicting royal figures on carved monuments and painted pots. Stone sculptures and paintings from Maya sites such as Palenque, Yaxchilan, and Uaxactun, among others, offer dramatic examples of these practices. The Maya site of Yaxchilan in Chiapas state in Mexico  offers a particularly rich gallery of images about bloodletting rituals. In a series of carvings on three door-lintels from this site, a royal woman, Lady Xook, is portrayed performing bloodletting, piercing her tongue with a knotted rope, and provoking a serpent vision during the throne accession ceremony of her husband. Obsidian blades are often found in ceremonial or ritual contexts such as caches, burials, and caves, and the presumption has been that they were bloodletting tools. U.S. archaeologist W. James Stemp and colleagues examined blades from Actun Uayazba Kab (Handprint Cave) in Belize and compared the microscopic damage to the edges (called use wear) on the archaeological blades to those produced during experimental archaeology. They suggest that they were indeed bloodletters.   Sources DePalma, Ralph G., Virginia W. Hayes, and Leo R. Zacharski. Bloodletting: Past and Present. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 205.1 (2007): 132-44. Print.Haines, Helen R., Philip W. Willink, and David Maxwell. Stingray Spine Use and Maya Bloodletting Rituals: A Cautionary Tale. Latin American Antiquity 19.1 (2008): 83-98. Print.Munson, Jessica, et al. Classic Maya Bloodletting and the Cultural Evolution of Religious Rituals: Quantifying Patterns of Variation in Hieroglyphic Texts. PLoS ONE 9.9 (2014): e107982. Print.Stemp, W. James, et al. An Ancient Maya Ritual Cache at Pooks Hill, Belize: Technological and Functional Analyses of the Obsidian Blades. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18 (2018): 889-901. Print.Stemp, W. James, Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown, and Jaime J. Awe. Ritual Economy and Ancient Maya Bloodletting: Obsidian Blades from Actun Uayazba Kab (Handprint Cave), Belize. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology  (2018). Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Using the Spanish Nouns Hombre and Mujer

Using the Spanish Nouns Hombre and Mujer Hombre and mujer are the Spanish words for man and woman, respectively, and are used in much the same way as their English counterparts. Although both words can be used for a male or female, respectively, of any age, they are most often used to refer to adults. Also, el hombre, like the English man, can be used to refer to Homo sapiens, the human species. Example: Cientà ­ficos dicen que el hombre es el resultado de largas etapas evolutivas. Scientists say man is the result of long evolutionary stages. Hombre or mujer can also be used to refer colloquially to ones spouse. Hombre and mujer can also be used as interjections, much as man can be used in English:  ¡Hombre!  ¡Quà © emocionante! or  ¡Mujer!  ¡Quà © emocionante! Man! How exciting! Following are some common phrases using hombre or mujer. Some of them that are listed only with hombre can also be used with mujer but the feminine usage is rare. Also note that while a few of the terms may appear sexist, they are intended to reflect the language as it is used and not necessarily as all feel it should be. Common Phrases Using Hombre or Mujer de hombre a hombre, de mujer a mujer - in total sincerityhombre/mujer de confianza - right-hand man/womanhombre de entereza - man who is cool and composedhombre del saco - boogeymanhombre/mujer de negocios - businessman/businesswomanhombre de paja - figureheadhombre lobo - werewolfhombre medio / mujer media - average man/woman, man/woman in the streethombre/mujer objeto - person valued for his/her sex appeal and little elsehombre pà ºblico - man with social influencehombre rana - frogmanmujer de su casa - housewifemujer fatal - femme fatalmujer pà ºblica/perdida/mundana - prostituteser mucho hombre - to be talentedser mucha mujer, ser toda una mujer - to be exemplary in characterser muy hombre - to be strong and braveser poco hombre - to be a coward

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe

Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe Free Online Research Papers One of the most important political ideologies of the first half of the nineteenth century was the force of Nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that nations are defined by people who have the same language, culture, and history, not by lines drawn on maps or by rulers conquering a vast empire. The advent of this movement was the French Revolution when throughout the continent, people watched as the French people united and established their own form of government and nation. The idea of a nation of the people and not of the ruler was very popular in nationalism. Spreading like wildfire, soon there was a nationalistic movement in nearly every country in Europe, especially Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, and Russia. Most nationalists also believed in equality of every person both before the law and in everyday life. The affects of nationalism shaped the continent during the early 1800’s, allowing for a few new nations to be formed. The Conservative Order looked to cru sh the movement because, for most of these multi-national countries, the â€Å"plague of nationalism† would spell certain disaster. Not only did the nationalists create a political sensation that swept through Europe but also paved the way for economic strengthening and cultural beliefs that exist in the world to this day. The nationalists had a very radical political view at the time, desiring to overthrow the powers that suppressed and hampered the patriotic feelings of the people. Nationalists opposed the Vienna Settlement, a European peace conference arguing that it did what was best for a few powerful dynasties rather than what was best for the people. Nationalists protested against large multi-national nations and empires such as Austria and Russia. They believed that dominating over multiple nations was not right. Nationalists also challenged the political units that are smaller than that of an ethnic nation, such as the German states and the multiple states of Italy. The nationalistic movement won minor victories with the independence of Greece, Serbia, and Belgium. Belgium was a prime example of nationalist views. When they merged with the Dutch, the Belgians could not overcome the language and cultural differentials. However, the Reactionary Forces were not as weak as expected. In fact, th ey were more resilient and stronger than anyone had predicted. Places that fostered conservatism reacted with more spirit. For example, in Austria and Russia, reaction came as suppression and in France it came as revolution. The Spanish rebels were quickly crushed by King Ferdinand VII’s army. The only country with peaceful solutions was Brittan, where problems were solved with accommodation. The idea of popular sovereignty, where the power of the state is legitimized by the general will of the people, was also very popular in nationalism. In the Revolutions of 1848, nationalists across Europe moved out to overthrow the Conservative Order and establish nations based on ethnicity. Never before had so many revolutions occurred at one point in time or had such and effect on other aspects of life across the Continent. The cultural repercussions from the nationalist movement resulted in an increase of national and ethnic pride. There was a complete breakdown of loyalty to the church and increased devotion to the community. Many nationalist writers advocated their beliefs and wrote in their own language, allowing for more people to learn the regional language. Such a writer was Johann Gottfried Herder, who promoted the importance of each culture as both a nation and a part of a large unit, humanity. Most people associate nationalism with liberalism, however, they are very different and had constantly conflicting views. Liberals based their views on fact and reason while nationalists based their views on romanticism and emotion. The nationalists also had conflicts with royalists, clergy, and landed aristocracy, who were corrupt and loyal to the Ancient Regime. The final cultural factor in the struggle for nationalism was the younger generation and the students. Organizations such as the Burschenschaf ten, a German student guild, would lead the drive of nationalism and promoted change in their respective countries. Not only did the nationalist movement affect the culture but it also affected the economic conditions of Europe. People were driven to support nationalism by realizing that economic independence could also mean political independence. In the Revolutions of 1848, the economic state of Europe was in ruin. There were food shortages and lower wages to make it even more difficult to buy food. Businesses failed and unemployment skyrocketed and the poor relief was extremely overburdened. All these factors also lead to deteriorating living conditions as well. Cities became full of crime and disease as industrialism and urbanization swept across Europe. Citizens blamed both their government as suppressors and the bourgeoisie for economic greed. They looked towards the forces of nationalism to overthrow the reactionary forces. A secondary outcome of nationalism that was taking root and flourishing in both large and small nations was national capitalism. Many citizens felt, if they put their labor towards fueling the economy of their country, it would lead to political independence from the sovereigns. Th e economic stimulus of nationalism caught hold in almost every nation who sought to gain ethnic unity. Nationalism dramatically increased the sense of ethnic pride and national sentiment in Europe between 1815 and 1850. Not only did it allow for nations such as Serbia and Greece to gain independence, but also gave a sense of distinctiveness to those nations who had not gained ethnic unity, like Italy and Germany, that were made up of many smaller divisions. During this time, Nationalism led to many revolutions against oppressive and despotic governments who did not represent the cultural majority. Nationalism inspired European nations, led to a dramatic increase of patriotism, and a sense of ethnic pride while also indirectly fostering capitalism. These early beliefs of nationalism live on today, creating a strong sense of unity and cultural traditions that has lasted for over two hundred years. Research Papers on Assess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Quebec and CanadaBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPETSTEL analysis of India19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XDefinition of Export Quotas

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research plan on improving instructional strategies Essay

Research plan on improving instructional strategies - Essay Example † The modern classroom is primarily characterized by the availability of computers and ICT. Research studies (Henessy, Ruthven & Brindley, 2005 and John, 2005 as cited in Tabler, 2007) have shown how ICT have modified classroom practices and supported classroom tasks. The advantages of ICT are also revolutionary, but it has also its limitations, and as a very recent tool for teaching, I consider it significant to study how its potential can be maximized. It is within this context that I propose to carry out this action research project. Specifically, I plan examine its utility in teaching Geography among 4th grade students since professionally, this is where I am situated. In the succeeding section I will be proposing an action research plan following the format by McNiff & Whitehead (2006). II. The Action Research Plan My Context I am currently a 4th grade teacher in Geography and have been offered the opportunity of becoming the Head of Department in the next academic year. O ne of the challenges given to me is developing a comprehensive plan of integrating ICT into the curriculum and pedagogy. It requires me to examine strategies and eventually, propose best practices. Why am I concerned? In the past five years, the school has invested in modernization. However, it has been observed that very little has changed in terms of the use of ICT in the classroom. Teachers face challenges in using ICT in the classroom, not only because of its novelty, but also because it has implications on the teaching and learning philosophies adopted by teachers. â€Å"The sheer presence of technology itself in the classroom can be very daunting, cluttering up both physical space with cables and connections, and mental space in planning for access to equipment and familiarization with skills and techniques† (Loveless, 2002,p.20). While ICT in the classroom has been acclaimed as generally good, there are still challenges that should be addressed for it to be an effectiv e tool. What experiences can I describe to show the situation as it is? Since this will be a pilot project, I will gather data from my own class where I will implement ICT in teaching through observations. I will also talk to students and ask them to evaluate the classes that we had. For a period of two weeks, I will keep reflection notes of what is taking place during my classes. What can I do? An initial evaluation will be asked from the students where points for improvement will be taken. A focused group discussion among teachers from my department will also be implemented to have gather ideas from their experiences of implementing ICT in the classrooms. Other teachers will also be invited to observe my classes, and validate the findings I have initially recorded. Students will also be asked to evaluate the whole program so I can get feedback from their perspective. What will I do? I will write a report for presentation to the principal, vice-principal and other teachers in my de partment. The report will contain the observations I have conducted, evaluation from students, discussions with other teachers, and the observations of other teachers in my class. I will give them a background of the current situation, and explain my interest in this particular area. I will propose that as part of my coursework in the post-graduate school I am attending, I will carry out this research project. How will I gather data to show the situa

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Economic Dragons Threatening Our World Research Paper

The Economic Dragons Threatening Our World - Research Paper Example Offhand our exercise looks easy, but it is not, and this judgment has less to do with the dearth of facts than with the basic givens. â€Å"A rich East Asian nation with a pegged currency fixed to the US dollar for ten years, supported by a monetary policy of tight capital outward flows and unrestricted inflows is experiencing an upward pressure on the exchange rate.† The question remains: what to do now? Deciding on a strategy depends on a clear understanding of the world’s monetary system, the role that exchange rates play, how they are determined, and what will happen if we do nothing. As Robert Solomon said (1977, cited in Samuelson, 1992): The world’s monetary system is like the traffic lights in a city, taken for granted until it begins to malfunction and to disrupt people’s lives†¦A well-functioning monetary system will facilitate international trade and investment and smooth adaptation to change. A monetary system that functions poorly may not only discourage the development of trade and investment among nations but subject their economies to disruptive shocks when necessary adjustments are prevented or delayed. The world’s monetary system refers â€Å"to the set of policies, institutions, practices, regulations, and mechanisms that determine the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another† (Shapiro, 1996). It is the coordinated way each nation manages its supply of money so that we can buy and sell each other’s goods, doing business by exchanging pieces of paper, the value of which we agree on called money.

Difficult problem in your life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Difficult problem in your life - Essay Example Upon my return, when I started the automobile, I realized that the horrid sound had not gone away, but since I arrived to my destiny with this horrid sound, I thought I could return without any problems. I was truly wrong. The engine was gone due to lack of oil. Not only did I not have an automobile, but I lost my means of transportation to and from school, while also seeking employment. Health issues have also arisen. I have high blood pressure and I am expected to visit the hospital every week for laboratory testing. So here I am, without an automobile for transportation, having health problems, and lacking money. Since that was the scenario, I had to do something very quickly. I appealed to my brother’s kind heart and asked him for economical assistance. He is not better off than I am but knowing about my situation, knowing that I have never asked him for money in the past, and he is in a position to also work on the automobile with a friend of his, he agreed to help me out. This has been a successful solution, in that, my brother partook in helping me out, even taking me to his friend who is a mechanic and he is able to work on the car himself, and obtaining lower costing parts (an engine, to start with). That has been my problem and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Annunciation Term Paper

Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Annunciation - Term Paper Example Leonardo is believed to have been merely twenty years when he did this painting that today stands as one major artwork done in the olden days. The major influence he received from artists such as Sandro Botticelli made him become a better painter by relating and modifying his artwork with ideas borrowed from the renaissance period. How the painting on the annunciation was done is somehow composed of a number of styles that are borrowed from the early renaissance period meaning that Leonardo was still learning from previous works done by past artists. The Annunciation simply means announcement and in this painting done by Da Vinci angel Gabriel is simply announcing to Mary the good news that she will be the mother Jesus. The story of Mary being visited by angel Gabriel is evident in the annunciation painting. Gabriel kneels in the garden of Mary the virgin to inform him that she would bear a son and the son will be named â€Å"son of man†. Gabriel holds a lily to show how pure Mary was. The background depicts a beautiful environment. The kneeling angel is seen youthful, stylish wings, rich clothing, and having a lily at his right hand. The virgin on the other hand shows astonishment probably due to the news she has received from angel Gabriel. Her pose gives her a monumental character and defines the kind of person Mary is, some say he is cold as per what they see in the image. Da Vinci painted the most imaginary wings of an angel that somehow seemed alive in his painting, the annunciation painting.

POEM COMMENTARY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

POEM COMMENTARY - Essay Example When health fails, it is again the involvement of the people around one that concerns one the most: "Everyone is after me to take it easy./ They all make doctors' appointments for me, eyeing me in that quizzical way." The attitude of people around a seriously ill person begins to change, the "quizzical" looks are part of an effort to deal with the nearby prospect of mortality. When confronted by evidence of an illness, one goes into denial: "Everyone is spotting oddnesses/ in my innards, suddenly shocked/ by radio-awful diagrams.I do not agree". Neruda correctly diagnoses the human weakness of not wanting to face facts, and most importantly, not wanting to face the transient nature of existence and the cold touch of death. The same weakness of not knowing and acknowledging the truth about human existence, plagues people when things are not going so well professionally: " Everyone is picking at my poetry/ with their relentless knives and forks,/ trying, no doubt, to find a fly./ I am afraid." This confession of fear is uncharacteristic of people in general but the poet Neruda takes the first step towards confronting his fears: accepting that he is afraid.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Annunciation Term Paper

Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Annunciation - Term Paper Example Leonardo is believed to have been merely twenty years when he did this painting that today stands as one major artwork done in the olden days. The major influence he received from artists such as Sandro Botticelli made him become a better painter by relating and modifying his artwork with ideas borrowed from the renaissance period. How the painting on the annunciation was done is somehow composed of a number of styles that are borrowed from the early renaissance period meaning that Leonardo was still learning from previous works done by past artists. The Annunciation simply means announcement and in this painting done by Da Vinci angel Gabriel is simply announcing to Mary the good news that she will be the mother Jesus. The story of Mary being visited by angel Gabriel is evident in the annunciation painting. Gabriel kneels in the garden of Mary the virgin to inform him that she would bear a son and the son will be named â€Å"son of man†. Gabriel holds a lily to show how pure Mary was. The background depicts a beautiful environment. The kneeling angel is seen youthful, stylish wings, rich clothing, and having a lily at his right hand. The virgin on the other hand shows astonishment probably due to the news she has received from angel Gabriel. Her pose gives her a monumental character and defines the kind of person Mary is, some say he is cold as per what they see in the image. Da Vinci painted the most imaginary wings of an angel that somehow seemed alive in his painting, the annunciation painting.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Latin American History and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Latin American History and Politics - Essay Example One of the most remarkable features of the Latino culture concerns the values and perceptions involved with family. Based from Skidmore’s discourse, one is able to understand how this social unit is the source or an influence to its various features and characteristics. The closely-knit Latino communities, the Latino’s perspectives in life, education and relationships – these are all embodied within the larger familial dynamics that permeate in this ethnic group. 3. Cuba casts a very large shadow over Latin America. What is going on in Latin America today?   Is it changing ideologically? How would you describe Cuba’s influence over Latin America?  Ã‚  Is it largely positive or negative?  Ã‚  What is Cuba’s  relationship like with Venezuela?  Ã‚  What has been the long-term impact of Fidel Castro on Cubans and on Latinos overall? I believe that much of the ideological influence that Cuba has had over Latin America could be attributed to Fidel Castro. This was reflected with how scholars see Castro not just as the embodiment of military and political leadership but also of the entire Cuban revolution that have seized the imagination of many in Latin America, inspiring some to launch their and continue their own revolutionary causes (Venegas, 2010, p. 183). In some cases, it is a positive development as such influence steered Latin American countries towards self-determination, as it offered a counter to American influence. The strong bilateral relationship between Cuba and Venezuela demonstrates this point. The latter – in its objective to oppose the US – sought a agreements with military dimensions (Corrales & Romero, 2013, p. 27). On the other hand, it exerted negative impact particularly with the nature and frequency of political conflicts in the region. All in all, without Castro, the Cuban influence is

Child abuse and neglect Essay Example for Free

Child abuse and neglect Essay INTRODUCTION Child abuse and neglect can produce serious and long-lasting damage. The range of actions classified as child abuse or neglect is constantly changing as a result of social and economic conditions, political ideology, advances in medicine, improvements in communication and melding of cultures. Today, child abuse and neglect is widely recognized as a major social problem and policy issue throughout much of the world. During the last 50 years, the United States and many of the world’s nations have responded to child abuse and neglect with legislative efforts, a variety of programs and interventions, and organizational efforts to identify, respond to and prevent the abuse and neglect of dependent children. Today, there are innumerable local, national and international organizations, professional societies and advocacy groups devoted to preventing and treating child abuse and neglect. Significance of the Study One case related to child abuse and neglect is pedophilia. Pedophilia affects children of a certain sex and within a certain age, usually under the age of 15 or 16 years. Most pedophiles are not violent toward children, instead leading and enticing children to willingly perform sexual acts, although some are violent to the point of rape and murder. In 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment act was passed which provides federal funding at the state level for prevention and response to child abuse. With this act, many states strengthened their response to child abuse and established child statutes in which parents may be prosecuted for abusing their children. Regardless of the legal response on pedophilia, it is clear that much cases never comes to the attention of the criminal justice system and is, unfortunately, never dealt with. This serious and alerting case should be fully characterized and understood for the good of the concerned children, especially the adolescents. What is Phedophilia? As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger). In contemporary Western societies, the subject is highly contentious and fraught with strong feelings. The strength of the feelings is readily explained by concern for the welfare of the children and for their healthy, unimpeded development. The child must be at least five years younger in the case of adolescent pedophiles. However, the term pedophile is often used to refer to any adult who is sexually attracted to males or females below the legal age of consent. While there is considerable psychological and sociological literature about pedophilia, philosophers working on the philosophy of sex have given relatively little attention to the subject. As pedophilia is seen as a paradigmatic case of sexual perversion and is generally viewed with strong moral revulsion, it might have been expected to generate more philosophical interest. Experts believe that most pedophiles are males. Some female adults are sexually attracted to boys or girls, but these children are usually at or beyond the age of puberty. Sometimes, however, females sexually abuse children in concert with males, or they will knowingly allow males to abuse their own children or other children. This is more likely to occur if the women are abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Pedophiles may believe that their behavior is normal and that it helps teach children how to become loving and affectionate. Such individuals avoid such words as pedophilia, preferring to use such terms as adult-child sex. They believe that others who do not understand their behavior are unreasonably rigid. Some organizations of pedophiles claim large memberships and actively support the practice of pedophilia. Pedophiles may fail to consider the short- or long-term consequences of their actions; for example, in one case, a pedophile was told by a child whom he had met on the Internet that her mother was a police officer, yet he molested the girl anyway. Most studies of pedophilia are performed on people in jail or prison, and it is also true that many acts of this are never reported. Ephebophilia: Its Opposite Ephebophilia is a variety of male homosexuality. Ephebophiles are attracted to post-pubertal, sexually mature youths. They are sexually attracted to the fully developed, vigorous maleness of adolescence. In the narrow sense, â€Å"pedophilia† refers only to sexual attraction of adults to pre-pubescent and sex with them. When the term is used in this sense, ephebophilia is not included as one of pedophilia’s varieties, but rather distinguished from it, the end of puberty providing the line of demarcation. Characteristics of Pedophiles Pedophiles are age and sex specific. They will normally prefer children of a certain sex and within a certain age. Child molesters fall into several categories. One is the fixated pedophile who never moves beyond the attraction he or she felt for children when he or she was a child. The regressed pedophile often turns to children in response to stressful life events. Although most pedophiles do not physically harm children, the mysoped makes the ritual connection between fatal sexual violence and personal gratification. The sadistic pedophile abducts children for the purpose of torturing and eventually killing them to achieve sexual gratification. Pedophiles come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are well educated, while others are illiterate. Many were not close to their fathers, and many came from homes where alcohol was a problem for at least one parent (usually the father). Pedophiles often have weak verbal skills, and almost 9 out of 10 felt particularly close to their mothers . The short size of the child provides the pedophile with an opportunity to exert power and authority. At the same time, the sex of the child has little to do with the adult sexual orientation of the molester. For example, a male pedophile may be very interested in sex with boys ages 9 or 10 years old, but at the same time be married and consider himself homosexual. Around 80% have been documented as having a history of childhood sexual abuse. The pedophile is known to the child in 90% of cases, 15% or more are relatives of the victim. Homosexual pedophilia does not differ from heterosexual pedophilia. Research on the victim points out that most are female and the molester is usually known. However; when a male is the victim, the molester may be a stranger. The degree of the pedophilia sexual act can vary ranging from simply observing the child, to touching, undressing, exposing of own genitalia, fondling, and sexual intercourse. II. CAUSES OF PEDOPHILIA The causes of pedophilia that have been researched remain unclear. It has been suggested that the pedophilia represents a regression or fixation at an earlier level of sexual development which resulted in an adult repetitive pattern of inappropriate sexual behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that the pedophile returns to a sexual habit that was developed early in life. It is also theorized that the pedophile is expressing revenge regarding a childhood trauma. It is also said that pedophilia is caused by a pleasurable sexual arousal to conditioned objects. The following are identified as possible causes of pedophilia: 1. Parental punishment of a small boy for sustaining an erection 2. Sexual abuse of a young male 3. Fear of sexual performance or intimacy 4. Psychosexual trauma 5. Socio-cultural and/or psychological factors 6. Excessive alcohol intake Previous studies have shown that same-sex child molester is higher than opposite-sex offenders, with offenders against boys being at a higher risk for delinquency, compared to offenders against boys. The number of prior offenses and the intensity of the fixation on children as sexual objects are factors that predict abuse. Another study was done over 111 child molesters. Child molesters included same-sex, opposite-sex, and mixed groups; all responded to stimuli of specific ages and sexes. Findings showed that the degree of sexual reoccupation with children, paraphilia, and number of prior sexual offences were predictors of sexual delinquency. The causes of pedophilia are unknown, but most scientists believe that conditioning in one form or another is involved. The motivation/ learning model can account for the development of pedophilia and can explain its distribution over the life span. A Person to be Declared as Pedophile The diagnosed criteria for a pedophile are as follows: 1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors including sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger) 2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty 3. The person is at least 16 years of age and at least 5 years older than the child or children molested III. EFFECTS OF PEDOPHILIA The effects of pedophilia to an individual, especially to those who are at a young age, include initial fear, anxiety, depression, anger, aggression and sexually inappropriate behavior. Boys have the same patterns of distress as girls, with symptoms such as fears, sleep disturbances, and distractedness; however, boys tend to be less symptomatic than girls. Additional long-term consequences include self-destructive behavior, isolation, low self-esteem, trust issues, substance abuse, and sexual problems. People who have a history of childhood sexual abuse have increased rates of depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse. There is often an increase in psychopathology among victims of childhood sexual abuse and this psychopathology is manifested at times in the form of pedophilia or other inappropriate behaviors with young children. Victims of childhood sexual abuse are more likely than nonvictims of that abuse to manifest sexual hyper-arousal and sexually aggre ssive behavior with a tendency to repeat and reenact sexual victimizations as adults. Physical Damage Injury Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used, pedophilia may cause internal lacerations and bleeding. In severe cases, damage to internal organs may occur, which, in some cases, may cause death. Herman-Giddens found six certain and six probable cases of death due to child sexual abuse in North Carolina between 1985 and 1994. The victims ranged in age from 2 months to 10 years. Causes of death included trauma to the genitalia or rectum and sexual mutilation. Infections Pedophile acts may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the age of the child, due to a lack of sufficient vaginal fluid, chances of infections are higher. Vaginitis has also been reported. Neurological Damage Research has shown that traumatic stress, including stress caused by sexual abuse, causes notable changes in brain functioning and development. A study was done on women who took SAT and it was found that the self-reported math Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of the sample of women with a history of repeated sexual abuse were significantly lower than the self-reported math SAT scores of the non-abused sample. Because the abused subjects verbal SAT scores were high, it was hypothesized that the low math SAT scores could stem from a defect in hemispheric integration. A strong association between short term memory impairments for all categories tested (verbal, visual, and global) and the duration of the abuse was also found. Psychological Damage Pedophilia can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life. Psychological, emotional, physical, and social effects include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, poor self-esteem, dissociative and anxiety disorders; general psychological distress and disorders such as somatization, neurosis, chronic pain, sexualized behavior, school/learning problems; and behavior problems including substance abuse, self-destructive behavior, animal cruelty, crime in adulthood and the worst, suicide. Long term negative effects on development leading to repeated or additional victimization in adulthood are also associated with child sexual abuse. There are two contrasting adaptive styles in sexual abuse victims. One adaption strategy seeks mastery through active repetition of the trauma, while the other adaption copes by avoiding sexual stimuli. Victims of childhood sexual abuse may exhibit mood disorders including chronic anxiety, depression, delayed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety attacks, and hysterical symptoms. Victims of sexual abuse may also experience difficulties in intimate relationships and express a sense of alienation, isolation, stigmatization, and a negative self-image. There is a wide variety of psychological conditions that have been documented in sexually abused children, with a higher-than-average tendency toward repetition of either being victimized at the hands of an adult or victimization of children. Arguments that Aroused about Pedophilia In our type of society, pedophile sex is considered both a moral offense and a crime that deserves a truly, serious punishment. There are two further arguments against pedophilia behind both its moral disapprobation and legal prohibition. First, sex with minors is wrong because it is non-consensual; second, it is harmful to those who are concerned. Both of these arguments have been questioned throughout time. Now, let’s look on the way a pedophile is conceived by the public. The pedophile is often visualized as â€Å"a dirty old man†, a stranger to his victims, who forces himself on children and has a matured sexual intercourse, thus putting them through a frightening and painful experience and inflicting serious and long-term damages on them. The drastic effects of the cases explain why pedophiles are usually called child molesters, and why pedophilia seems to be â€Å"the most hated of all the sexual variations†. What is true is that most pedophiles are men but the majority is young or middle-aged. More often than not, they are not strangers; they are likely to be a family, neighbor, or other adults that are known to the victim. The harmful effects of pedophilia on a child’s sexual, emotional and personality development are still a matter of researches and debates; rather than an authorized fact. IV. EXAMPLES OF CASES CONCERNING PEDOPHILIA * A 65-year-old youth minister of the First Baptist Church from Sinton, Texas who admitted to molesting a 6-year-old girl shocked a congregation of followers. The story saw this pedophilic Baptist minister through his 37-year jail sentence. I then hooked my thumbs in her waist, the minister said, and put my hands over her groin area, on the outside of her clothing. The first couple of times, she did not say anything, the minister continued. She was more interested in driving. But the second time, when I told her we needed to go home, and she slid over to the passenger seat, the look on her face killed my soul. I felt great remorse for having taken advantage of this child. * A glam-rocker Gary Glitter was convicted of possessing child pornography, but actual child abuse allegations against him were dismissed because his accuser had sold her story in a newspaper. Glitter seems to be a prime example of the predatory pedophile, continually unrepentant, even after going 27 months of imprisonment in Vietnam for offences against two girls he claimed he was teaching English, after already being permanently barred from Cambodia in 2002 for sex allegations. This case had led for actions to remove passports from sex offenders. * February 11, 2011 Laval police handled one of the biggest cyber pedophile cases. Sandro Tasillo, 26, is linked to internet sex crimes involving 30 young girls. Police say Tasillo would roam for underage victims on Facebook. He would offer girls money to take off their clothes in front of a webcam. But the money was never delivered, and the photos of the girls were often sold to other pedophiles. Tasillo was formally charged at the Laval courthouse. He faces a total of 40 sex charges. Police believe the 30 victims who have come forward are just the tip of the iceberg. Police are asking other potential victims to contact them as soon as possible. The investigation is still ongoing. V. TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF PEDOPHILIA Treatment for pedophilia emerged as a means to prevent child molestation or as a way to reduce sexual deterioration. That is, pedophilia is treated either when a person wants to remedy his pedophile tendencies, or when a person has committed a sexual offense against a child and his pedophilic interests addressed to reduce sexual deterioration. This combines preference-based treatment with programs designed to manage other criminogenic needs. Treatment would change factors known to be related to sex offending. Improvement of these factors would correlate highly and negatively with recidivism. Progress in treatment technology would be reflected in greater reductions in sexual deterioration over time. Treatment outcome studies using random assignment would show greater effect, and better-implemented programs would be more successful. In the earliest stages of behavior modification therapy, pedophiles may be narrowly viewed as being attracted to inappropriate persons. Such aversive stimuli as electric shocks have been administered to persons undergoing therapy for pedophilia. This approach has not been very successful. Another common form of treatment for pedophilia is psychotherapy, often of many years duration. It does not have a high rate of success in inducing pedophiles to change their behavior. Pedophilia may also be treated with medications. The three classes of medications most often used to treat pedophilia are: female hormones, particularly medroxyprogesterone acetate, or MPA; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists, which include such drugs as triptorelin, leuprolide acetate, and goserelin acetate; and anti-androgens, which block the uptake and metabolism of testosterone as well as reducing blood levels of this hormone. Most clinical studies of these drugs have been done in Germany, where the legal system has allowed their use in treating repeat sexual offenders since the 1970s. The anti-androgens in particular have been shown to be effective in reducing the rate of recidivism. Making the molester impotent is sometimes offered as a treatment to pedophiles who are repeat offenders or who have pleaded guilty to violent rape. Increasingly, pedophiles are being prosecuted under criminal statutes and being sentenced to prison terms. Imprisonment removes them from society for a period of time but does not usually remove their pedophilic tendencies. Many countries have begun to publish the names of persons being released from prison after serving time for pedophilia. Legal challenges to this practice are pending in various authorities. Some recommendations for the treatment of pedophilia are the following: 1. Risk assessment using a well-supported measure 2. Education of the client, his spouse or partner, family members and close friends 3. Behavioral treatments targeting pedophilic sexual arousal 4. Monitoring of pedophilic clients in terms of access to child pornography, unsupervised contacts with children, and potential disinhibitors such as alcohol or drug use 5. Drug treatments targeting sex drive for higher-risk individuals 6. Cognitive-behavioral and behavioral treatments targeting general risk factors for criminal behavior such as antisocial attitudes and beliefs, association with antisocial peers, and substance abuse Prevention The main method for preventing pedophilia is avoiding situations that may promote pedophilic acts. Children should never be allowed to engage in one-on-one situations with any adult other than their parents or trustworthy family members. Having another youth or adult as an observer provides some security for those who are concerned. Conferences and other activities can be conducted to provide privacy while still within sight of others. Children should be taught to yell or run if they are faced with an uncomfortable situation. They should also be taught that it is acceptable to scream or call for help in such situations. Another basis of preventing pedophilia is education. Children must be taught to avoid situations that make them defenseless to pedophiles. Adults who work with youth must be taught to avoid situations that may promote pedophilia. Many states have adopted legislation that requires background investigations of any adult who works with children. These persons may be paid, such as teachers, or they may be volunteers in a youth-serving organization. VI. CONCLUSION It is very evident that pedophilia is a serious problem of many countries. The alarming rate of pedophile cases must serve as an eye opener to our government, for them to take a serious look and enforce laws that give legal punishment to those who are proven guilty of this crime. Our justice system must be on its track to convict the culprit. Everyone should be responsible in handling this horrible crime. Laws against child abuse and neglect should be strengthened and each one of us should be informed about the terrible effects that this crime would cause. But, let us not only put the pressure to the government in solving this problem. We, in our own families, should be the first to take extra care to our own selves. Our family should be strong and open communication should be observed for the better. Help each other to protect our youth, because; as the saying goes, â€Å"The youth is the hope of our Fatherland.† B I B L I O G R A P H Y American Psychiatric Association. â€Å"Profile of a Pedophile†. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Arlington, USA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2006. Clark, Robin. et al. The Encyclopedia of Child Abuse. New York: Infobase Publishing, 1998. Flisk, Dr. Reverend Louden-Hans. â€Å"Sexual Abuse†. Father, Deliver Us from Evil. USA: By the Author, 2004. Gabbard, Glen. â€Å"Summary and Recommendations on Psychological Treatments†. Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders. USA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2007. Greenberg, Jerrold. et al. â€Å"The Pedophiliac†. Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality. Canada: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Laws, D. Richard and O’Donohue, William. â€Å"Pedophilia: Treatment†. Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment. USA: The Guilford Press, 2008. Murray, David. â€Å"The Homosexualization of Pedophilia†. Homophobias: Lust and Loathing across Time and Space. USA: Duke University Press, 2009. Primoratz, Igor. â€Å"What’s wrong with Pedophilia?†. Ethics and Sex. London: Routledge, 1999. Soble, Alan. â€Å"Pedophilia†. Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia. USA: Greenwood Press, 2006. Vito, Gennaro. et al. â€Å"The Criminal Justice Response†. Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy. Canada: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2007. Internet Sources

Monday, October 14, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Chile: Business and economic trends

SWOT Analysis of Chile: Business and economic trends Country Profile – Chile 2014 2014 LATIN AMERICAN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT REPORT INTRODUCTION In 2014 the business environment in Latin America did not live up to expectations, and seems that it will not deliver significant results for 2014.Growth rate dropped again, down in 13 of the 18 countries covered in the LABER analysis. Lower commodity prices and financial market volatility in Latin America Governments struggled to cope with growing economic imbalances and rising social discontent. The 14 countries adhering to the centrist social-market paradigm, in spite of these pressures, did not deviate from its more business-friendly policies. Should the economic slump deepen in 2014, it was not unreasonable to expect pressures for change to deepen. Country Profile –Chile Political Factors: SWOT Analysis of Chile: Strengths Chile experiences open economy and the bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements led to a increase in foreign trade International competitiveness has faced an increased growth rate due to the trade agreements Chile offers foreign investors some of the world’s most competitive business costs Privatization and deregulation have created public utility and telecommunications industries Corporate taxes and labor costs are relatively low No evidence of active terrorism in Chile Occurrence of serious offences remains relatively low, despite reports of increased crime levels Chile capital, Santiago is considered one of the safest countries in Latin America Enjoys a stable democratic political system, with strong institutions Comprehensive legal framework and independent judiciary Weaknesses Binomial electoral system is ripe for reform Chile is vulnerable to external shocks due to overdependence on primary export industries Supply shortages and potential power stoppages due to heavy dependence on imported sources of energy Reforms of Chile’s institutions and labor market remain unlikely. Absence of reform exacerbate structural imbalances in the economy Absence drags on economic growth Opportunities Foreign investors are supported by the Government through three investment mechanisms The mechanisms offer the rights of both the state and the investor throughout the implementation of project Significant opportunities for inbound investment in areas of power generation and transportation, as well as copper production Since 1990, Chile has enjoyed an uninterrupted period of stable democracy Voting is compulsory for all voters older than 18. Government took important measures to increase efficiency of public administration by 2003 and ensuring a transparent government Congress also approved a law to regulate the financing of political parties and election campaigns Threats Growing public protests among the poorer sections of society High levels of income inequality and discontent with the cost of education Weakening government’s popularity Chile’s major ports and industrial mines suffer growing labour unrest Business environment in the country: BMI Business Environment Risk Ratings Chile ranks 28th out of 191 countries in business environment rankings and scoring around 64.0. This makes Chile the outperformer of the neighboring countries by some distance and places it higher than several developed industrial economies. In terms of ‘market orientation’, it ranks well ahead of many developed states including the US and the UK. Nonetheless, causes for concern remain. The country has a sizeable infrastructure deficit, reflected in our relatively weak score for Chile’s business infrastructure, a category in which Chile ranks just 55th globally. Chile is an open economy and practices bilateral, regional and multilateral trade agreements. This has led to a steady increase in foreign trade and the country’s international competitiveness. Chile offers foreign investors some of the world’s most competitive business costs. Privatization and deregulation have created sophisticated telecommunications, healthcare and public utility industries. Chile at the same time has maintained a moderately low corporate taxes and labor costs. Environmental factors: Chile is a highly Election dominated environment. It possesses the following features with regard to the environment: Solid economic performance Throughout the region of Latin America growth softened, but the drop was not steep in Chile and the outlook was encouraging with average annual growth rates for the period 2004-12. The causes of slower economic growth were lower export earnings, weaker investment and slower growth in the domestic demand. The local stock market has downgraded by 15% in dollar terms for the year, making it the worst performing of the major exchanges. This fall in the exchange rates made the economic scenario quite unfavorable for the foreign investment. The depreciating peso was accounted for the major fall in the economic performance. (upto 521 to the dollar) Exports softened but FDI surged Chile is the world’s largest producers of copper. Being in its maximum height of production, the decline in world copper prices affected Chile’s market negatively. Copper accounts for 60% of exports and 20% of GDP. Chile drew its attention away from copper due to the long-term need to diversify the economy and such heavy dependence on a single commodity. As the Chinese economy relaxed, copper prices fell down by 12% in November affecting Chile’s trade and exports, resulting in a fall in 2012. The CAD (current account deficit) and debt increased due to the exports slump. Chile has favorable access to bond markets and foreign investors due to its best managed economy and the highest credit rating in Latin America, and hence its environment remains very investor friendly. Resulting in a Net FDI tripled in 2012. Public protests broke out again Chile was recognized as a world leader in the implementation of the market reforms that was responsible for the generation of growth and rising standards of living. Chile has proven unemployment rate that fell to a historical low of 5.7% in October. Despite the growth, Chile was the first country to face rising citizen discontent in the form of the street demonstrations, which are now common throughout Latin America. Chile experienced for the first time in 2013 students, unions and Mapuche Indians all conducted disruptive demonstrations. Election returned center-left coalition to power As expected, former President Michelle Bachelet easily defeated Alianza por Chile, the candidate of the governing party, and her New Majority coalition won a majority in Congress. In many respects, the outcome was disappointing for Bachelet and her supporters. The disappointing fact was the low turnout , with voting was no longer mandatory, especially among first-time voters who were expected to deliver an easy first-round victory. Central Bank lowered interest rates to stimulate growth In order to stimulate the growth in the face of weak domestic demand, the Central Bank cut interest rates. This will further enhance the growth of the economy and productivity. National strategies and public policies: Chile follows the strategies to raise taxes, reform education and providing free tuition for university students. These reforms were mainly targeted in reducing inequality, thereby reducing the protests. Keys: Progress on reform agenda; price of copper Industry structure and competitive dynamics in terms of Infrastructure Labor: Infrastructure: Chile has a well developed and efficient infrastructure network, which contributes to the governments export-driven development strategy. Since the adoption of build-operate transfer concessions the countrys physical infrastructure has improved substantially. Though considerable damage was done to the existing countrys infrastructure network by the devastating 2010 earthquake, the ongoing focus of government attention ensure the rebuilding of Chiles infrastructure. The Pan-American Highway is considered to be high international standards and backbone of Chiles road system. Chile also has world-class airport and seaport infrastructure. Chile is working to develop a network of transport corridors across the region, using rail and road infrastructure. This will uplift the Chiles exports to Argentina and Brazil, and also facilitate the use of Chilean ports for exports to Asia. Energy: Energy supply in Chile is considered the Achilles heel. With its limited domestic energy supply, the country heavily relies on the bulk of its energy resources on Imports. It has to maintain sound relations with its neighbors to realize the valuable energy supply. The reliance on energy imports, particularly on natural gas from Argentina (where 80% of gas imports originate), is a growing problem. The Chilean government has prioritized addressing the electricity issue. Intellectual Property Rights In the International Property Rights Index of 2013, Chile comes in 28th place out of 130 countries. This places Chile the highest ranked of all emerging markets. Chile approved legislation to bring the country into compliance with the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) signatory obligations .As per the TRIPS signatory, Chile must meet the agreed standards pertaining to copyrights, including producer rights, industrial designs, patents and trademarks. The area in which Chile was most scrutinized is IPR in pharmaceutical products. This is due to the fact that Chile lacks a transparent system for protecting pharmaceutical patents. In 2005, the MOP established a system in protecting data related to pharmaceutical products. Business-government relations: Chile is positioned with a stable political outlook and sound economic fundamentals for steady, albeit slower, economic progress. Due to its high reliance on copper exports and oil imports, Chile is posed to a high risk to economic progress. Diversification of the countrys economic drivers will be essential to ensuring sustainable growth to remove the high dependence on the copper exports and oil imports. But this diversification may drag the GDP of the country leading to a more consumer-driven economy. Moreover, the GDP per capita is envisioned to nearly double between 2013 and 2022, in line with President Sebastià ¡n Pià ±eras goal of at least US$25,000 GDP per capita by 2020. This would give Chile de facto developed country status. Nevertheless, we will face two obstacles that would hamper Chiles economic growth over the upcoming years: Despite the countrys vast reserves of hydroelectric power, periods of drought have exposed Chiles dependence on energy imports; modernizing power generation and transmission will be highly essential to continued growth. Potentials Risks and bottlenecks faced by Chile Government: Chile faces few terrorist activity and regional security threats in comparison with neighboring countries. Other Potential risks are in the field of labor, education, healthcare, communication and transportation facilities. Strikes and public protests present a significant risk to business in Chile. In recent years these events have been concentrated in the areas of health, education, transportation, communication and civil service sectors. The real wages are slowly increasing in a less alarming way and high corporate profits have led to greater worker resentment. Strike action is becoming more widespread. It is not totally uncommon for labor tensions to develop into full-blown conflict. These labor conflicts largely affect the copper mines functioning. This leads to a significant amount of delays in certain large mining and energy projects. Mapuche political activists pose a growing threat to the foreign investments due to hindrances in the domestic security and the countrys business climate. These conflicts lead to a significant drag on the Chilean business environment if left unresolved. According to government statistics, crime rates are falling. Chile OUTLOOK in the face of Attractive Business Environments In the business environment analysis conducted by Business Monitor, only 9 nine countries emerged with the most business attractive environments in the Latin America region. Although there are differences among them, they all share significant positive strengths: Sustained growth with moderate inflation Favorable external profiles Declining poverty and growing middle classes; Stable, multiparty, centrist politics; Social-market economic policies; Slowly improving legal systems Seven of the nine ranked highest of the 18 LABER environments on the 2013 World Economic Forum’s global competitiveness score as given below. Chile government supports business and related investments with its strong and efficient legal framework Most accommodative in the region Government continues to place attracting foreign investment high on its priority list Infrastructure network is a major asset to the Chilean business climate Open foreign trade regime, helps to maintain the countrys reputation as an attractive foreign direct investment (FDI) destination Corruption and criminal activity remains a nuisance Pià ±era government has struggled to produce results on these fronts

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Medias Impact on Politics Essay -- Government

Here in America, we try to pay close attention to everything that goes on in the government. Whatever decision they make we want to know when, where, why, and how. This is because whatever decision that they make will determine what will happen with this country as a whole in the long run. So what is the best way to find out what’s going on with our government? Why the media of course. The media plays a major part in every aspect of the government including what happens in elections, the reporting of major military operations and how the American people will react to certain political situations or scandals. Here are some the ways that the media affects the way we think when it comes to the government. The Right to Laugh: Media Satire and its Role in Politics. In times of political and world turmoil such as the ones we live in today, one may find it impossible to turn on a television or open a newspaper without finding some work that aims to criticize or express opinion about the state of things. Straight ahead and well written essays and reports and serious discussions are always important and the most common method for challenging the status quo. However, in our media saturated world, satires and political comedy are also a valid and potent weapon. Throughout the history of the 20th century and continuing stronger than ever today, political humor and satire has played a significant role in how we as a society perceive, judge, and run our government. True satire is meant to firstly challenge an idea or thought construct and in effect evoke change, all the while making its audience find humor in the idea it challenges. Television programs such as Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Dennis Miller Live, Comedy Central’s... Hale, E. Arab Media Focus on Another Side of the Conflict. USA Today. Retrieved March 26, 2003, from the World Wide Web: Audiences fragmented and skeptical: The tough job of communicating with voters (February 5, 2000). The Pew Research Center for People and the Press. Interest Index, Final Topline, January 12-16, 2000. Milbank, D. (October 18, 2000). Tracking Laughs is no Joke in Election Year. The Washington Post. Retrieved March 24, 2003, from the World Wide Web: Moore fires Oscar anti-war salvo (March 24, 2003) The BBC Online Journal. Retrieved March 27 from the World Wide Web:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Man Who Planted Trees Essay example -- Literary Review, Jean Giono

The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono was wan extraordinary story about one man’s efforts to help the environment. It tells the story of one shepherd's extensive and successful singlehanded determination to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the Alps near Provence throughout the first half of the 20th century. The story is narrated by a man who throughout the book in anonymous. The story begins in the year 1910, when a young man is undertaking a long hiking trip through Provence, France, and into the Alps. The narrator runs out of water in a treeless, uninhabited valley where there is no trace of civilization. The narrator finds only a dried up well, but is saved by a middle-aged shepherd who gives him a drink of water from his water-gourd. Later, the shepherd takes the narrator to his cottage where he offers him food and a place for the night. As the narrator stays for the night he becomes curious about this shepherd, who lives all alone in this stone house, and decides to stay for a while longer. The shepherd, after being widowed, had decided to restore the ruined landscape of the isolated and largely abandoned valley by single-handedly cultivating a forest, tree by tree. The shepherd, Elzà ©ard Bouffier, makes holes in the ground and plants acorns that he had collected from far away into those holes. The narrator was astonished at what this man had done all on his own. It was an amazing project that not just anyone could have done. The narrator leaves the shepherd knowing for sure that he would be back to see what he had accomplished. He later fights in World War One. In 1920 the man returns back to the same valley. Instead of seeing a desolated valley with little progress, to his astonishment there were saplings... ...t. By late 2005, through the Pan-African Green Belt Network, over fifteen African countries had become involved with the Green Belt Movement. The movement spread beyond the African borders to the United States. For her lifelong dedication to environmental and human rights Maathai received numerous awards, including the Goldman Environmental Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, and the United Nation's Africa Prize for Leadership. Furthermore, in 2004 Maathai was honored with the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize becoming the first black woman and the first environmentalist to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Maathai was best known as the founder of the Green Belt Movement: an initiative to plant trees in forested areas of Kenya that were starting to be used commercially. Critics wondered whether a "tree planter" was truly a peace activist and I am here to say she was.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Good Teachers Essay

Abstract A good teacher is hard to find. One that really loves to teach students and is effect in what they teach. I have only had a few who have inspired me to teach because of their ability to teach effectively. A good teacher is effective in what they teach and they inspire their students. I feel that every student should have the benefit of a great teacher. One that is prepared for the class and apt to teach with clarity and understanding. It is not always good to have one that is just doing it to earn an income. Good teachers are what make the world better, as we learn every day, and if we listen we are always in a class of some type. In this world of fast learning and growing job opportunities we have to be taught by the best teachers so we are able to stay on the top of our business –world. I feel that every teacher needs to be able to change their students’ lives and be experts in their field of teaching. The teacher has to understand how each student learns. Without a doubt we must be able to reach our world and be able to understand what we are trying to learn. â€Å"A Good teacher is someone that is able to make a difference in someone’s life† (Hassett). What makes a good teacher able to teach anybody? Most of people that go to class really want to learn and want to be there. One of the main things in a class room or class setting is for the class to feel free to learn. I feel that every teacher needs to go to college and not to an online school. They need to be able to be in a class room setting so they can understand what their teacher does to prepare them for their class and study. I think one of the most important things for learning is to see it in action and to be able to understand how the right way to teach, and not just trying to make something out of nothing. Most of the teacher need to  get a degree from an accredited college or university that is a reputable teaching institution and able to give the aspiring teacher the proper training. One of the main things in learning is to be preparing for class. The teacher needs to have paper and book and all the supplies. Most teachers need to be able to pass the state board for teaches for them to get their certification to teach in the state of Georgia. Most of teachers in Georgia are teaching without a license because there is a shortage of teachers. This is causing a lot of students to get teachers who have not really been qualified to teach. Teachers need to learn how to listen and to understand when a child is in need or has a special need. Every teacher needs some type of training as there is college just for teachers. The Time it takes to prepare for a class is important as it prepares the teacher to teach effectively. Most of the students will watch their teacher to make sure they know what they are talking about. There has to be a safe environment for the student to learn. Most of the students need to be push to the point where they can learn and how they learn. The teacher needs to be able to detect what learning style the student has. One of the most important things that I love is the fact that they took time out of their busy schedule to check on me and make sure I did not have to repeat the class. They sent information to make sure I could get it done and I am grateful for that. â€Å"A good teacher is someone that knows their craft, in other words, they know what they are teaching. A good teacher knows the ins and outs of what they are teaching. A good teacher enjoys teaching others, their craft and seeing their students learn† (Davis). A teacher also has a passion for people and gets an enjoyment of others success. A teacher shows their student that they care when no one else is showing the student that they care. A teacher’s job is not just a Job. As it is not just to go to work and get a paid check. It has to be a person’s passion; it’s what makes them thrive. Sometime they have to work on days when they don’t get paid just to make sure the students are learning and able to pass the test. A teacher has to show that they want to be there and really enjoy helping people. A teacher never needs to tell a student I got my degree you need to get yours. â€Å"A teacher must stay informed of what they are teaching, in other words if there is new material that goes along with their subject they should learn the new material. This is called personal development. † (Martin-Kniep). A teacher also gives discipline when it is needed because they realize if you do not show discipline in the time of need it can cause the student to have an unstructured life. â€Å"A teacher prepares their students to be successful and persistent in their goals in life. A teacher is a motivator to their students and they keep their students in a positive frame of mind† (Green). â€Å"One of the most important things that a teacher can do is be prepared for the students that come into their classroom. It does take time to make sure the teacher is prepared and ready to teach their class† (Davis). Most teachers really do not know what to expect from year to year and sometimes it gets even hard with the students, parents, and support system. Most of the students will have someone that they can have to come to the class but most of the parents in this day and hour are too busy to do anything but work and try to feed the child. I feel like† we must give the teacher some type of assistance to make sure they are successful as well as to make sure they have a clear plan of action to teach† (Christou). Most of the students will watch their teacher to make sure they know what they are talking about. This has been one of the most frustrating parts of a class and in any place where someone is trying to teach you something they don’t know themselves. A lot of the students do have a learning disorder and some of them will ask questions because they really don’t know what you are saying. They are trying to make sure they understand what is being taught by the teacher. It is not to try to cause problems but to try to understand what is being taught. And the teacher needs to know when the student is really playing and when they are not. As a lot of students have been sent to the office or outside because of asking a question that they really did not understand and someone might have laughed causing the teacher to think they were playing. They send the student outside. Thus making it even harder for the student to learn and to understand clearly what is being said. â€Å"There has to be a safe environment for the student to learn. A lot of the parents are thinking more and more about home schooling their children because it is a little safer and easier for a traveling parent† (Christou). I think if a student feels that he is not safe in the classroom he will not learn and he will always be looking around the room trying to see what is going on. He will begin to see things out of place and every time someone comes to the door or the window the student will be looking and not paying attention to the teacher at all. The main thing is that they student needs to be able to feel like they can ask any question and it not be a problem, and that no one will be laughing at them for the question that they have asked. A lot of students will shut down when they feel like they cannot express themselves, let the teacher know when they are in trouble, and need some extra help. Most of the students really need to know that the teacher is doing all they can to keep order in the class room and to make sure that it is a nice pleasant place to learn and to share idea and even to fuss sometime as long as it is going to help and bring about clarity. Without a doubt, all students need to be pushed and made to learn beyond their own understanding. There should not be a student in there who is not working their brain and able to sleep all day and still pass. Something is wrong with that and someone needs to retest that student and make sure they are on their grade level. A lot of students will not learn too well when the class is too slow for them. They will get bored really fast and not want to do nothing but cause problems because they are bored. I feel like a lot of the students that sleep in class and still walk out of the class with a passing grade need to be evaluated to determine their I. Q. â€Å"It’s about pushing students to excel; at the same time, it’s about being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times† (Leblanc). So they can make sure they push them to their max. Most students never really understand all the class room and it takes a great teacher to be like bridge between the class work and the grades. Sometimes the bridge does try to fall, but, it is a good bridge and it is able to keep the peace. Understand that sometimes it is overrun with words, people, and it has to be patient and understand that it will all pay off in the long run. In this day and hour every job is not just a job. There are many people today who are looking for a job and some of them just are able to pass test because of having book smarts. Some are only teaching in school for a paycheck and to be able to make a living. A teacher needs to be someone who loves what he/ she can do. They do not need to be thinking about a check or about paying bills. Most of them really need to be stable and able to keep their family and personal life separate. The person who wants to be a teacher needs to be more than just someone going for a job. As time passes it is important for the person to know why they are in the class room and to understand their role in shaping the lives of their students. They must understand that at this age most of the students will spend more time with them than at the house with their parents. Most of the students will begin to attach themselves to the class room as they will feel like they were trying to look forward and not behind. Most of them will find a teacher who they relate to and who they feel has their best interest at heart. It is important for teacher to understand that most of the students will watch their every move and how they react. Some of them will even try to copy how the teacher talks, walks, and even how some of them dress. Most of the students want to be a part of something or belong to something for a greater cause. So it is important that most teachers understand their role, be mindful of their actions and understand that someone will always be watching their every move. A teacher has to show that they want to be there and really enjoy helping people. I have always been in a class room where I have heard a lot of my teacher say â€Å"I got my degree now you’ve got to get yours† and some of them even have an attitude with it. This is one of the reasons why I hated school and why I felt that I was cheated of my education when I was in school. Most students really don’t want to be in school so when they already don’t want to be there, and run into something like this, it makes it hard for the student to look past what they see and hear. This is causing a lot of high school students to drop out at the 10th grade. They really do not understand that they are almost there. But we have to take control of this, put a stop to it, and let them know that we do care about them, want them to finish school, be able to learn and be productive in the world today. â€Å"Effective teachers should exhibit positive expectations to ensure each student believes they can excel. Transmitting positive reinforcement by telling each student they have high abilities and are a capable learner will allow students to excel to their highest abilities. In addition, setting positive expectations in the classroom will help students who do not have proper motivation and support at home† (Baker). A teacher never needs to tell a student I got my degree and what about you. Most of the student will always do what they hear and what they see. Most of them are smart enough to understand right from wrong. But it gets worst then they begin to see the teacher doing one thing and then doing something different. A good teacher is hard to find. One that really loves to be in the class with the student and is effective in what they teach. I have only had a few that have really left me with wanting to teach because of what they taught me and this is what a good teacher is. I feel that every student that goes to class should have the benefit of a great teacher. One that is prepared for the class and apt to teach with clarity and understanding. It is not always good to have one that is just doing it because of a Job. This is what makes the world better. As we learn every day and if we listen we are always in a class of some type. I want to be as clear as possible with everything I do and say so that it will help other teachers to take pride in their craft. APPENDIX A REFERENCES Brackett, Nancy. (January 2013) Effective Teacher. Retrieved from http://www. online-distance-learning-education. com/effective-teacher. html Christou,Aris. (June 22, 2006). Materials Camp Will Help Teachers Innovate. Retrieved from http://www. mse. umd. edu/news/news_story. php? id=658 Davis, James R. (Aug 4, 1993). Better Teaching, More Learning: Strategies for Success in Postsecondary Settings: 1st Edition. Green, Elizabeth. (March 2, 2010). Building a Better Teacher. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2010/03/07/magazine/07Teachers-t. html? _r=0 Hassett, Marie F. PHD. (Winter 2000). What Makes a Good Teacher? Retrieved from http://www. sabes. org/resources/publications/adventures/vol12/12hassett. htm Leblanc, Richard PHD. (1998). Good Teaching: The Top Ten Requirements. Retrieved from http://www. appleseeds. org/good-teach. htm Martin-Kniep, Giselle O. (April 2004). Becoming a Better Teacher: Eight Innovations that works/ Editions 1. Toness, Bianca Vazquez. (May 23, 2011). What Makes A Good Teacher? Retrieved from http://www. wbur. org/2011/05/23/a-teacher.